Hello everyone! what you see here is the product of the pieces of my

thoughts gathered together to find and recall the true meaning of my
MEMORY...Please, I love you all to leave your meaningful comments to help
improve my Blog and may be through your series of comments...I may eventually
find my TRUE MEMORY...Thanks!


You are welcome to my haven! I created this in the memory of my memories...I can only hope you will always hang on here as long as you can. But if you have to leave, I want you to please:

Listen to your heart
When it's calling for you
Coz I don't know where you are going
And I don't know why?
But listen to your heart
Before you turn and say...good-bye...

So that our sweetest memories can linger on as long as we live...

Thursday, June 5, 2014



I try to be the best of me

That’s why always

I try to express myself

In the simplest way, form

And most humble manner

That I am mortally made

Perfectly imperfect and

Handsomely beautiful within

Beauty isn’t skin deep

It transcends far way beyond

The glaring elegant of my

Superfluous image and skin

I am who I allow myself to become

With my maker’s leave and grace

I get what I give

I give what I get

So always

I try to give it my all

 And never ever give up

Always … I try to be the best

The true person I want to be

And not who others want me to be

Or want to see me become

Oh my God! I am perfectly imperfect

This is absolutely OK for me

‘Coz no mortal

Carved of mud water

Is ever perfectly made

I am beautiful within

So now I give you my smile

‘Coz this is all I have

It’s all I can give and share

A reflection of the perfect

Immortal love I have

Deep inside of my heart

It’s quite simple

“Blood, friends, associates or otherwise

If I sense devious tendencies

Negative vibes, fakeness, and mischief

Still, we can remain

Whatever to each other”

But definitely I will keep

My necessary distance

Just so you know

I am that singular person

“Who refuse to participate

In you great conquest of foolery”

Just to make the list

Of people, who you so desperately need

“Running circle ‘round your own world

Especially those with faulty wiring”

But I must let you know

“That I am always good

Where my throne sits”

Without your desperate expectations

 Still, I share with you my grin

 As always …

So through this, you can clearly see

Who I truly am

Far deep inside

‘Coz always … I try to be the best me

Just to be who I am

Deep inside of me

Always … I try to be the only person

That makes and can make me happy

So I can live my best life

The way I wanna live it

If you don’t, you can leave

But if you care

Come join and live this life

With me … ‘coz I am always on the happy

And not ever the sad side of town.

© Adeola Goloba 2014


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